When Water Kills

If symptoms develop, consume plenty of rehydrating liquids, namely homemade ORS which is extremely easy to make and is highly potent. One must avoid beverages or aerated drinks which may worsen the symptoms by increasing the stool volume. “Most of these cases are seen from crowded pockets of the city, especially with improper hygiene and water drainage facilities.

Now when you know about water-borne diseases and what measures you can take to prevent them, it’s important to know about some of the best KENT Water Purifiers available in the market. Read on to know more about the KENT purifiers that can make your drinking water completely safe. These are some great idea about the water borne diseases are bane of the rains but preventable with the simple measures.

You can have mint tea or chew some mint directly in the morning. India registered 69.14 million cases--or as many people as in United Kingdom--of four water-borne diseases over five years to 2017, govt data show. This smart purifier also comes with a TDS control valve that controls the TDS level to retain essential natural minerals in purified water.

The infection spreads through contaminated food and water or through close contact with an infected person. Four percent of global deaths and 5.7 percent of the global disease burden is caused by infectious diseases related to water, sanitation, and hygiene . Only 19 percent of the world population washes hands with soap and water after contact with excreta, 26 percent people drink water that is occasionally contaminated with faecal bacteria. Often termed as a symptom, dysentery is also a full-fledged ailment that is most active during heavy monsoons. The disease is identified by a mild fever, dehydration, nausea, and occasional stomach cramps.

Unlike other diseases that get cured with time, the Giardia parasite is capable of residing in the intensive for years. Some of the common symptoms include gradual weight loss, bloating, and abdominal pain. Meanwhile, the panel discussion pointed out that poor sanitation also incurs high Disease public health costs apart from causing high mortality rates due to spread of diseases. The discussions highlighted that WASH in healthcare facilities is an essential factor to the successful implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 in India as well as the newly launched Pradhan Mantri Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana 2021. The experts in the NFSSM webinar also underlined that there is evidence that mentions reduction in water borne diseases by adopting appropriate WASH practices. “However, different variables exist that impact the rate of diarrhea and water borne diseases and direct correlation isn’t always possible,” reads the statement dated September 1.

Chikungunya, caused by the Aedes albopictus mosquito, is a non-fatal viral disease. These mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and can bite you not only during the night but also during the day. ‘Chikungunya’ means that which bends up and is called so because of its distinct arthritic symptoms . Dengue-causing Aedes aegypti mosquito breeds in stagnant water . With the change in landscapes and urbanisation, these organisms have adapted themselves and are now found in urban homes as well.

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